martes, 13 de julio de 2010


1 El mal de Hansen. Algunas nociones que el público debe conocer
sobre la lepra. J. Convit, Semana de ¡a Lepra, 1940. pp. 49-54.
Tip. Venezuela, Caracas, 1941.

2 Consideraciones sobre el enfermo dado de alta y otros tópicos
en relación a la lepra. J. Convit. Semana de la Lepra, 1941, pp. 43-46.
Edit. Bolívar. Caracas, 1943,

3 Lesiones leprosas del cuero cabelludo. ]. Convit y L. Chávez. Memo-
ria de las I Jomadas Venezolanas de Venereología y Dermatología.
pp. 115-120,1943.

4 La Vitamina "E". Las atrofias musculares de la mano por neuritis
leprosa y el tratamiento de estas lesiones por el Tocoferol. J. Convit.
Memoria de ¡as I Jornadas Venezolanas de Venereología y Dermato¬
logía, pp. 107-114,1943.

5 Tratamiento preventivo de la erisipela recidivante por la vacunación
local. J. Convit. Memoria de las I Jornadas Venezolanas de Venereología
y Dermatología, pp. 89-92,1943.

6 The lepromin test in tuberculous persons in a non-endémica área.
J. Convit. R.D. Azulay, D. Bermúdez and P. Salgado. Int. J. ofLeprosy.
12: 60-64,1944.

7 Con motivo de un caso de Xeroderma Pigmentosa. A. Salas,
J. Convit. Revista Policlínica Caracas, XVI: 1-5,1947.
8 A intradermorreacao de Mitsuda em pessoas sas em pais nao endé¬
mico de lepra. R. D. Azulay y J. Convit. // Conferencia Panamericana
de Lepra. Vol. I. pp. 143-148,1946.

9 Un método de absorción para la refinación del aceite de hydnocarpus
wightiana para inyecciones intramusculares. Los productos absorbidos.
El test de Kreis y el valor de Valenta en el pronóstico de la tolerancia.
J. Convit y J. Jórgensen. ¡I Conferencia Panamericana de Lepra. Vol. III. pp. 2-12,1947.

10 Múltiple idiopathic hemorragia sarcoma of Kaposi. Histopathologic
study. W. Sachs, R.D. Azulay y J, Convit. The/, oflnvest. Dermatol.
8: 317-326,1947.

11 Estudio sobre la clasificación panamericana de la lepra. Publicado
en la Revista SEM. Reproducido en la Revista Unidad Sanitaria.
Agosto, 1948.

12 Sobre un caso de Leishmaniasis Tegumentaria de forma disemi¬
nada. J. Convit y P. Lapenta. Rev. Policlínica Caracas. Vol. xvn
NQ 100. pp. 153-158,1948.

13 Lupus eritematoso agudo. A. Salas, J. Convit e I. Lovera. Rev. Policlí¬
nica Caracas. Vol. XVII. Ns 100, pp. 159-161,1948.

14 Sobre un caso de Lupus TBC y su tratamiento por la Vitamina D2.
J. Convit y P. Lapenta. fíev. Policlínica Caracas. Vol. xvn. N° 100.
pp. 162-164,1948.

15 Sobre un caso de localización vulvar de enfermedad de Pagel
de aspecto leucoplásico. J. Di Prisco y J. Convit. Rev. Policlínica
Caracas. Vol. XVII Na 103:1-5,1948.

16 Studies on the retioulum in the different types of leprosy.
M. Vegas, J. Convit and J. Espin. Int. ]. of Leprosy. 15:449,1948.

17 Estudios experimentales con una cepa de Leishmania brasiliensis
proveniente de un caso de Leishmaniasis Tegumentaria Diseminada
de aspecto lepromatoso. M. Mayer, J. Convit y F. Pífano. Arch. de Patol.
Trop. y Parásito}. Med. Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 183-192,1949.


18 El acetamido-banzal-tiosemicarbazon (TBi) en el tratamiento
de la lepra lepromatosa. M. Vegas, J. Convit, J.A. Medina, E. de
Bloumenfeld. Publ. de la Div. de Lepra del Ministerio de Sanidad
y Asistencia Social. Edit. Grafolit, Caracas, 1950.

19 Micetoma de granos negros. J. Convit, A. Salas y L. Montemayor.
Rev. Policlínica Caracas. Vol. XVIIINQ114, pp. 322-326,1950.

20 Thiosemicarbazone (TB-i) in the treatment of leprosy. Preliminary
Communicatíon. M. Vegas, J. Convit, J.A. Medina y E. de Bloumenfeld.
Int. J. O/Lep. 18: 451-455, 1951.

21 Variaciones de las reacciones a la lepromina y tuberculina en enfer¬
mos de lepra, después de la vacunación BCG. J. Convit, E. Rasi,
F. Canto Rodríguez y R. Contreras. Bol. de los Hosp. Vol. 51, Na i,
pp. 13-21,1952.

22 Changes in the lepromatous and tuberculin reactions of lepromin-
negative leprosy patients after vaccination with BCG. J. Convit, E. Rasi,
F. Canto Rodríguez and R. Contreras. Irá.]. ofLep. 20:347-354,1952.
23 Estudios sobre lepra en el grupo étnico alemán de la Colonia Tovar,
Venezuela. J. Convit, C.L. González y E. Rasi. Int. J. ofLep.

24 Cultivation of complexes of algae with others fresh-water.
Microorganisms in the tropics. J. Jorgensen y J. Convit. Alga culture
from laboratory to pilot plant. Carnegie Instit. of Washington.
Publication 600. pp. 190-196,1953.

25 Lepromin and tuberculin tests in Venezuelan leprosy foci, induc-
tion of lepromin reactivity by BCG vaccination. J. Convit and E. Rasi.
/íií./. ofLep. 22: 303-310, 1954.

26 Estudio sobre lepra en la Colonia Tovar. I. Prevalencia en el grupo
étnico alemán. J. Convit, C.L. González y E. Rasi. Rev. San. y Asist. Soc.
(Caracas). 19:387-393,1954. (Rep. Memoria de las IIJornadas de Venereo¬
logía, Dermatología y Lepra. Edit. Bellas Artes, pp. 233-263,1955).

27 Estudio sobre la lepra en la Colonia Tovar. II. Investigación inmuno-
alérgica a la lepromina y tuberculina en el grupo étnico alemán.
J. Convit, C.L. González y E. Rasi. Rev. San. y Asist. Soc. (Caracas).

28 Estudios sobre lepra en el grupo étnico alemán de la Colonia Tovar
(Venezuela), ffl. Hallazgos clínicos y variaciones de la prueba lepromí-
nica en contactos calmetizados que viven en un foco de lepra.
J. Convit, C.L. González, C. Sisirucáy E. Rasi. Mem. VI Congreso Internacional de Leprología, 1953. pp. 529-534,1954.

29 Aspectos epidemiológicos de la lepra en Venezuela. J. Convit y C.L. González. Memorias de ¡as IIJornadas Venezolanas de Vene-reología, Dermatología y Lepra. Edil. Bellas Artes, pp. 237-252. Caracas, 1955.

30 Tratamiento de la Lepra. M. Vegas y J. Convit. Memorias
de las II ¡ornadas Venezolanas de Venereología, Dermatología y Lepra. Edit. Bellas Artes, pp. 345-358, Caracas, 1955.

31 Tratamiento de la Lepra con sulfonas. J. Convit, J.A. Medina,
P. Lapenta y E. Bloumenfeld. Mem. de ¡as II Jornadas Venezolanas
de Venereología, Dermatología y Lepra. Edit. Bellas Artes, pp. 391-412, Caracas, 1955.

32 Dermatosis que pueden similar la enfermedad de Hansen.
J. Convit, M. Vegas y M. Medina Pebres. Mem. de ¡as II Jornadas Vene-zolanas de Venereología, Dermatología y Lepra. Edit. Bellas Artes, pp. 413-422, Caracas, 1955.

33 Diagnósticos más frecuentes de algunas consultas dermatológicas.
M. Vegas, J. Convit y C.J. Alarcón. Mem. de las IIJornadas Venezolanas
de Venereología, Dermatología y Lepra. Edit. Bellas Artes, pp. 423-428,
Caracas 1955.

34 Hongos Levuliformes. J. Convit y L. Montemayor. Mem.
de las II Jomadas Venezolanas de Venereología, Dermatología y Lepra. Edit. Bellas Artes, pp. 465-471,1955.

35 El Sarcoma de Kaposi. L. A. Velutini, J. Convit y J. Di Prisco.
Memorias de las IIJornadas Venezolanas de Venereología,
Dermatología y Lepra. Edit. Bellas Artes, pp. 583- 593,1955.

36 Enfermedad de Darier. C.J. Alarcón y J. Convit. Mem. de las II Jor¬
nadas Venezolanas de Venereología, Dermatología y Lepra. Edit. Bellas
Artes, pp. 595-602,1955.

37 The Mantoux and Mitsuda reactions in hamsters and guinea pigs
before and after vaccination with BCG. J. Convit, P. Lapenta and
J. Jórgensen. Int. J. ofLep. 23:162-166,1955.

38 Leishmaniasis Tegumentaria Difusa. J. Convit, O. Reyes y F. Kerdel
Vegas. Mem. VICongreso Venezolano de Ciencias Médicas. 4:2189-2200,
Caracas, 1955.

39 An investigation of leprosy in the german ethnic group of Colonia
Tovar in Venezuela. IV. Clinical findings and variations in the Mantoux
and Mitsuda reactions observed during flve years after BCG vaccination
of Mitsuda-negative contacts. J. Convit. Int. J. ofLep. 24:38-44,1956.

40 Studies of leprosy in the german ethnic group of Colonia Tovar,
Venezuela. V. The morbidity rates in BCG vaccined and unvaccined
groups during flve years. J. Convit. Int. J. ofLep. 24:269-274,1956.

41 Some observations on borderline leprosy. J. Convit y C. Sisirucá.
Int.J. O/Lep. 24: 375-381,1956.

42 Leishmaniasis Tegumentaria Difusa. Nueva entidad nosológica.
J. Convit. Acta Dermato-Venereológica. Proc. XI Congreso Internacional de Dermatología. Suecia. Vol. III. pp. 857-868,1957.

43 Algunos aspectos del problema de la lepra en Venezuela. Mem. delICongreso Venezolano de Salud Pública y III Conferencia Nacional de Unidades Sanitarias. Imprenta Nacional, pp. 879-901. Caracas, 1957.

44 Micetoma del brazo por Actinomyces bovis. C.J. Alarcón, J. Convit
y D. Borelli. Dermat. Venez. 1:87,1957.

45 Leishmaniasis Tegumentaria Difusa. Nueva entidad clínico-
patológica y parasitaria. J. Convit. Rev. Min. San. yAsist. Soc. (Caracas).
Vol. XXIII, pp. 1-28,1958.

46 Incontinencia Pigmenti, consideraciones sobre un caso. J. Di Prisco
y J. Convit. Dermat. Venez. 1:197-200,1958.

47 Cromomicosis (Cromoblastomicosis). J. Convit. Cartilla Micológica.
Fundación Eugenio Mendoza. Edit. Sucre (Caracas), pp. 92-97,1959.
48 Esporotricosis. J. Convit. Cartilla Micológica. Fundación Eugenio
Mendoza. Edit. Sucre (Caracas), pp. 99-104,1959.


49 Eine Neue Krankheit der Leishmaniasis gruppe: Leishmaniasis
cutis difusa. J. Convit y F. Kerdel Vegas. Sonderdruck aus DerHautarzt,
II. Jahrgang, 5. pp. 213-219, Heft, May 1960.

50 The campaign against leprosy in Venezuela. J. Convit. Int. J. ofLep.

51 Histoplasmosis sistematizada con lesión bucal en una niña
de nueve años. J. Convit, D. Borelli, G. Rodríguez, J.M. Soto. Arch.
delHosp. Vargas, vol. n Ns 3,1 pp. 343-352,1960.

52 The methylene blue test in leprossy. J. Convit, P. Lapenta
y S. Mendoza. Int. J. ofLep. 28:233-238,1960.

53 Eritema Discrómico Perstans (Eritema figurado crónico con
Melanodermia). Nueva entidad clínico-patológica. J. Convit, F. Kerdel
Vegas, G. Rodríguez. Dermat. Venez. 2: lis-164,1960.

54 Positivity of the methylene blue test in xanthomatosis. J. Convit
y M. Goihman. Arch. of Dermat. 88:350,1960. (Copyright 1963
by American Medical Association. p. 166).

55 Lepromatous Muositis. J. Convit, J.J. Arvelo y S. Mendoza.
Int. f. ofLep. 28: 417-422,1960.

56 El problema de la lepra en Venezuela. J. Convit, C. Sisirucá
y R. Ibánez. Rev. San. yAsist. Soc. Suplemento al NQ i, pp. 199-225,1961.

5 7 The problem of Transmission. Discusión of recent work in Venezuela. J. Convit, A. Ilikevich, P. Lapenta y T. Imaeda. Transí, of the Leonard Wood Memorial, fohns Hopkins University Simposium on Research in Leprosy. pp. 257-259, May 1961.

58 Rhinoscleroma. J. Convit, F. Kerdel y B. Cordón. Arch. of Dermat.
84: 55-62,1961.

59 El test de azul de metileno en el estudio del enfermo de lepra.
J. Convit, S. Mendoza, P. Lapenta, R. Travieso. Rev. Venez. San. yAsist.
Soc. Vol. XXVINB 2, pp. 392- 396,1961.

60 Reticulosis cutánea localizada. Presentación de casos clínicos.
J. Convit, F. Kerdel Vegas, G. Rodríguez G., Eva Koves de Amini.
Arch. Hosp. Vargas. Vol. III No. 2, pp. 291-297,1961.

61 Micetomas, cromomicosis, esporotricosis y enfermedad de Jorge Lobo. J. Convit, D. Borelli, R. Albornoz, G. Rodríguez y J. Hómez Ch. Mycopathología etMycología applicata. 15:394-407,1961.

62 Electron Microscope study of Xanthoma Cell in a lepromatous le-
prosy lesión. T. Imaeda, J. Convit, S. Mendoza y J.J. Arvelo. Int. J. ofLep.
29: 343-354,1961.

63 Erythema Dischromicum Perstans. A hitherto Undescribed Skin
Disease. J. Convit, F. Kerdel Vegas y G. Rodríguez. The Journal oflnvest.
Deimat. 36: 457-462,1961.

64 Treatment of Granuloma Inguinale with Tracetyloleandomycin.
Report of a case. F. Kerdel Vegas, J. Convit and J.M. Soto. Arch.
of Dermatology. 84:248-255,1961.

65 Investigation of the incidence of psoriasis among Latin American
Indians. J. Convit. Proc. ofxnlnt.J. Congress of Dermatology. Wash¬
ington, 1962. pp. 196-199. Reprinted from Excerpta Medica International
Congress. Series Na 55,1962.

66 Electron Microscope study of Mycobacterium leprae and its
environment in a vesicular leprous lesions. T. Imaeda and J. Convit.
/. ofBacter. 83: 43-52,1962.

67 Experimental inoculation of human leprosy in lahoratory animáis.
I. Clinical Bacteriologic and Histopathologic study. J. Convit, P. Lapenta,
A. Ilukevich y T. Imaeda. Int. J. ofLep. 30:239-253,1962.

68 Experimental inoculation of human leprosy in laboratory animáis.
II Electron microscope study. T. Imaeda, J. Convit, A. Ilukevich and
P. Lapenta. Int. J. ofLep. 30:395-413,1962.

69 Disseminated anergio cutaneous leishmaniasis. J. Convit.
F. Kerdel Vegas and B. Cordón. Bristh. /. ofDermat. Vol. 74, N5 4,
pp. 132-135,1962.

70 Rinoscleroma. F. Kerdel Vegas, J. Convit, B. Cordón y M. Goihman.
Edit. Thomas Books. Illinois, U.S.A. Publication Na 522. lll páginas. 1963.
71 La rehabilitación dentro de los programas de salud pública.
J.J. Arvelo, J. Convit y C. Sisirucá. Rev. Venez. de San. yAsist Soc.
Vol. XXVIII Na 3, pp. 231-234,1963.

72 Electron microscopic study of borderline leprosy. T. Imaeda,
J. Convit, P. Lapenta. Int. J. ofLep. 31:389-417,1963.

73 Dermatosis Cenicienta [Eritema discrómico perstans). Acias Fina¬
les V Congreso Ibero Latino Americano de Dermatología, Buenos Aires.
Argentina, pp. 843-847,1963

74 La epidemiología de la lepra en Venezuela. C. Sisirucá y J. Convit.
Rev. Venez. de San. yAsist. Soc. Vol. XXIX NB l, pp. 31-44,1964.

75 Comentarios sobre la situación de las micobacterias en la sistemáti¬
ca actual. A. Ilukevich, J. Convit, T. Imaeda y P. Lapenta. Rev. Venez.
de San. yAsist. Soc. Vol. XXIX Na l, pp. 98-no, 1964.

76 Inoculación experimental de la lepra humana a los animales de
laboratorio. J. Convit, P. Lapenta, A. Ilukevich y T. Imaeda. Rev. Venez.
de San. yAsist. Soc. Vol. XXIX N° l, pp. 65-74,1964.

77 Experimental inoculation of human leprosy in laboratory animáis.
III. J. Convit, P. Lapenta y A. Ilukevich. Int. J. ofLep. 32:136-149,1964.

78 Infections produced in hamsters with the human leprosy bacillus.
A critique of recent studies. J. Convit. Int. J. ofLep. 32: 310-321,1964.

79 Leishmaniasis Tegumentaria Difusa. J. Convit. Proc. ofthe Seventh
International Congresses of Tropical Medicine and Malaria.

80 Nichtenzymatische Reduktion von Methylenblau und 2.6-Dichlor-
phenolindophenol durch reduzierts Di - und Trphospho- pyridin-
nucleoid. F. Wagner, J. Convit, e. Bern und M. Nelbock.
Angewandte-Chemie. 76, Jahrgang. NQ13. Seite 571,1964.

81 Antileprosy Therapy. J. Convit. World Health Organization.
PA/87.65. Ginebra, 1964.

82 Disseminated Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. J. Convit y F. Kerdel Vegas.
Arch. ofDermat. 91:439-447,1965.

83 La Oncocercosis en Venezuela. A. Rivas, L. González G., L. Zsogon,
E. Rasi y J. Convit. Acta Méd. Venez. Suplemento NQ l (36 páginas),
Diciembre, 1965.

84 Algunos aspectos de las tuberculosis cutáneas en Venezuela.
J. Convit, A. Ilukevich, G. Rodríguez Garcilazo, E. Wakszol
de Schmidmajer. Arch. delHosp. Vargas, Vol. VII N° 1-2:9-13,1965.

85 Miositis Lepromatosa. A. Oderiz, O. Reyes y J. Convit.
Dermatología Venezolana. 5:50-55,1966.

86 Tratamiento de la Paracoccidioidomicosis por un nuevo antibiótico.
M. Bastardo de Albornoz, J. Castellano y J. Convit. Acta Med. Venez. pp.
120-123, Marzo-Abril, 1966.

87 Die Photooxydation von Nicotamid-adenin-dinocleotid und
von Nicotamidadenin-dinocleotidphosphat durch Methylemblau.
F. Wagner R., J. Convit E. Bernt y M. Nelbock H. Biochemische
Zeitzchríft. 346:167-170. 1966.

88 Therapie der Lepra-Reaktion mit Thalidomid (Eine Doppelblind-
Studie) Voral&ufig Mittleilung. J. Sheskin, J. Convit. DerHautarzt,
17. Jahrgant. 12. Helft, 548-549. December, 1966.

89 La Lepra. J. Convit y O. Reyes. Enciclopedia Médico Quirúrgica
Francesa (Edición Castellano). 5-18,1967.

90 La Lepra. J. Convit. O. Reyes y R. Albornoz. Dermatología
Venezolana. VIN51 y 2. pp. 5-51,1967.

91 Algunos aspectos teórico-prácticos sobre inmunología de la lepra.
J. Convit y R. Albornoz. Medicina Cutánea. Año 2 Na 3.
pp. 85-94. 1967.

92 The methylene blue test. I. In murine leprosy and in lesions
induced in hamsters after inoculation with materials from cases
of borderline and lepromatous leprosy. J.L. Ávila and J. Convit.
Int. J. ofLep. 35: 494-499,1967.

93 The methylene blue test. 2. Lipids that tend to make the dye soluble
in benzene experiments with their extraction and effect. J.L. Ávila
yj. Convit. Int.J. ofLep. 35:500-504,1967.

94 Thalidomide therapy in the lepra reaction. J. Convit, J.M. Soto
and J. Sheskin. Int.J. ofLep. 35:446-451,1967.

95 La respuesta inmunológica en Oncocercosis. M. Ulrich y J. Convit.
Acta Cien. Venez. Supl. 2. pp. 31-32,1967.

96 Clínica de la Leishmaniasis Tegumentaria Americana.
R. Medina, J.J. Henríquez A. y J. Convit. Dermat. Venez. VII
NQ 1 y 2. pp. 463-474,1968.

97 Histopatología de la Leishmaniasis Tegumentaria Americana.
J. Convit, G. Rodríguez, J.J. Henríquez A. y R. Medina. Dermat. Venez.
VII, Ns 1 y 2, pp. 475-482, 1968.

98 Aspectos de la respuesta inmunológica en la Leishmaniasis.
M. Ulrich, M.E. Pinardi y J. Convit. Dermat. Venez. VII Na l y 2,
pp. 483-493,1968.

99 Aplicación de la inmunofluorescencia indirecta al estudio
de la Leishmaniasis Tegumentaria. J. Convit y M.E. Pinardi. Acta Cient. Venez. 19: 34,1968.

100 The effect of fresh serum on the leptomonads of Leishmania.
I. Preliminary Report. M. Ulrich, D. Trujillo and J. Convit. Trans.
ofthe Royal Soc. ofTrop. Med. and Hyg. 62:825-830,1968.

101 Programa de control de la lepra en Venezuela. J. Convit, R. Albor¬
noz, J.J. Arvelo y L. González G. Boletín Dermatológico Sanitario. XI
Ns 3, pp. 1-75,1968.

102 Identification ofthe noncultivable patogenic mycobacteria
M. leprae and M. lepraemurium. I. Campo-Aasen and J. Convit.
Int.J. O/Lep. 36 NQ 2, pp. 166-170,1968.

103 Therapy of Leprosy. World Health Organization. Meeting of inves-
tigators on therapy of leprosy and methodology in drug triáis. London,
23 September 1968 (9 páginas).

104 Applying the indirect immunofluorescency test to the study
of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. J. Convit and M.E. Pinardi.
Dermatología Internationalis. January-March 1969. pp. 17-20.

105 Results of a Double Blind Study of the mfluence of Thalidomide
on the Lepra Reaction. J. Sheskin and J. Convit. Int. J. ofLep.
37: 135-146,1969.


106 Heterogeneidad de la Fosfatasa Acida de Leucocitos Humanos.
J.L. Ávila y J. Convit. Acta Cient. Venez. 21: 20-21,1970.

107 Estudio comparativo entre la lepra lepromatosa y la leishmaniasis
tegumentaria difusa como enfermedades por defecto inmunológico
del huésped. J. Convit y M.E. Pinardi. Acta Cient. Venez. 21:58,1970.

108 Therapy of Leprosy. J. Convit, S.G. Browne, J. Languillon,
J.H.S. Pettit, K. Ramanujam, F. Sagher, J. Sheskin, L. Des Souza Lima,
G. Tarabini, J. Tolentino, M.F.R. Waters, L.M. Bechelli y V. Martínez
Domínguez. Bull. Org. Mond. Sant., 42:667-672,1970.

109 Immunological reactions in onchocerciasis. M. Ulrich, M.E.
Pinardi, J. Convit. Trans. ofthe Royal Soc. of Trop. Med. and Hyg.
64: 111-115,1970.

110 A mesage form the Presidente on the International Leprosy
Association. J. Convit. Int.J. ofLep. 38:83-85,1970.

111 Abscesos subcutáneos producidos por el "Trichophyton rubrum".
J. Convit, M.B. de Albornoz y R. Fachín Viso. Med. Cutánea. Año IV
NQ6,1970, pp. 501-504.

112 Studies on cellular immunity in leprosy. I. Lysosomal ensymes.
J.L. Ávila and J. Convit. Int. /. ofLep. 38: 359-364,1970.

113 Immunological problems in leprosy research. J.O. Almeida,
L.M. Bechelli, W.E. Bullock, J. Convit, R.S. Guinto, S.H. Han, R.J.W.
Rees, C.C. Shepard, A. Szemberg, G.P. Talwar and J.L. Turk. Bull. Wld.
Hlth. Org. 43: 879-890,1970.

114 Some considerations regarding the immunology of leprosy.
J. Convit, M.E. Pinardi and F. Arias Rojas. Int. /. ofLep. 39:556-564,1971.

115 Leishmaniasis Cutánea Difusa. Una enfermedad debida
a un defecto inmunológico del huésped. J. Convit, M.E. Pinardi
y A.J. Rondón. Publicación del Seminario Internazionale sulle Malattíe Parassitarie di Importanza Sacíale in America Latina, Roma,
Octubre 1971, pp. 155-163.

116 The Methylene Blue Test in experimental granulomas.
M. Goihman Yahr, J.L. Ávila and J. Convit. The], oflnvest. Dermat.
58: 74-77,1972.

117 Estudio de lípidos tisulares en Lepra y Xantomatosis. R. Rangel
Aldao, J.L. Ávila y J. Convit. Arch. delHosp. Vargas. Vol. XIV N°l y 2,
pp. 86-92,1972.

118 A test for the determination of competency in clearing bacilli
in leprosy patients. J. Convit, J.L. Ávila, M. Goihman and M.E. Pinardi.
Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org, 46: 821-826,1972.

119 Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis: A disease due to an irnmuno-
logical defect ofthe host. Trans. ofthe Royal Seo. ofTrop. Med.
and Hyg. 66:603-eio, 1972.

120 Lymphocyte transformation witb phytomitogens in leprosy.
M. Ulrich, B. Salas and J. Convit. Int. J. ofLep. 40:4-9,1972.
121 Cross reactivity of Mycobacterium leprae and BCG. A report on
further studies. Int.J. ofLep. 40:62-67,1972.

122 Timoma, hipogammaglobulinemia y síndrome de Behcet. M.
GoihmanYahr y J. Convit. Med. Cutánea. Año VIND 3, pp. 209-216,1972.
123 Afección autoinmune proteiforme. M. Goihman Yahr y J. Convit.
Med. Cutánea, Año VI Na 2, pp. 137-142,1972.

124 A simple method for the differentiation of Mycobacterium leprae
from other Mycobacteria through routine staining technics. J. Convit
and M.E. Pinardi. Int.J. ofLep. 40:130-132,1972.

125 Formation of Methylene Blue-Lipid Complexes 1,2
R. Rangel- Aldao, J. Ávila and J. Convit. Int. J. ofLep. 40:357-360,1972.

126 Progressive, Atrophying, Chronic Granulomatous Dermohypoder-
mitis. Arch. Dermatol. 107:271-274,1973. J. Convit, F. Kerdel,
M. Goihman, A.J. Rondón and J.M. Soto.

127 Prevention and treatment of physical desabilities in leprosy.
J. Convit and J.. Arvelo.^cía Leprol. No. 50, pp. 17-28,1973.

128 Ectopic skin lesions produced by schistosoma mansoni. J. Convit
and O. Reyes. Amer. J. Trop. Med. &Hyg. 22:482- 484,1973.

129 Comparación entre las bacterias obtenidas de lesiones humanas
de lepra y las obtenidas de las lesiones en armadillos por la inoculación
de M. leprae. J. Convit y M.E. Pinardi. Resúmenes del X Cong. Int.
de Lepra, Bergen, Noruega, pp. 46-47,1973.

130 Studies on human polymorphonuclear leukocytes enzimes.
I. Assay of acid hydrolases and other enzymes. J.L. Ávila and J. Convit. Bioch. Biophys. Acta 293: 397-408,1973.

131 Studies on human polymorphonuclear leukocyte enzymes.
n. Comparativo study of the physical properties of primary and specific granules. J.L. Ávila and J. Convit. Bioch. Biophys. Acta 293:409-423,1973.

132 Heterogeneity of acid phosphatase activity in human polymor¬
phonuclear leukocytes. J.L. Ávila and J. Convit. Clin. Chim.
Acta 44: 21-31,1973.

133 Physical properties of primary and specific granulos of polymor¬
phonuclear leukocytes. J.L. Ávila and J. Convit. Acta Physiol. Latino-
Amer. 23: 653-655,1973.

134 Characterization and properties of D-Mannosidase of human poly¬
morphonuclear leukocytes. J.L. Ávila and J. Convit. Clin. Chim. Acta 47:

135 Leukocytic enzyme differences between the clinical forms of mal-
nutrition. J.L. Ávila, Gand J. Convit. Clin. Chim. Acta 47:335-345,1973.

136 New organelle observed in Leishmania brasiliensis. I. Campo-
Aasen, C. Alemán y J. Convit. Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. & Hyg.

137 NBT test in lepromatous leprosy. M. Goihman Yahr, J. Convit,
G. Rodríguez. TheLancetE:456,1973.

138 Spheroidal bodies and glovi of human leprosy. L. Barksdale,
J. Convit, Kwang-Shin Kim y M.E. Pinardi. Bioch. and Biophys.
Research. Comm. 54:290-296,1973.

139 Fabry's disease. Normal galactosidase activity and urinary-sedi-
ment glycosphingolipid levéis in two oblígate heterozygotes. J.L. Ávila,
J. Convit and G. Velázquez-Ávila. Brít. J. Dermatol. 89:149-157,1973.

140 Histochemical identification of non-cultivable Mycobacteria
(M. leprae and M. lepraemurium). II. Dopa oxidase. I. Campo-Aasen
and J. Convit, Histochemie, 35:63-66,1973.

141 In vitro studies of cellular immunity in leprosy. M. Ulrich
and J. Convit. Int.J. ofLep. 41: 541,1973.

142 Autoimmune diseases and Thalidomide. M. Goihman Yahr,
M. Requena, S.E. Vallecalle y J. Convit. II. Int. J. ofLep. 42: 266,1974.

143 El Jonctun en las úlceras crónicas de las extremidades inferiores.
M. Goihman Yahr, A. Noya León, A. Rojas y J. Convit. Med. Cutánea
I.L.A. No. 3: 227-232,1974.

144 Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. the clinical and immunopathological
spectrum in South America. CIBA Foundation Symposium 20 (new
series) ASP (Elsevier-Excerpta Medica - North Holland) pp. 159-169,1974.
J. Convit and M.E. Pinardi.

145 Elimination of Mycobacterium leprae subsecuent to local in vivo
activation of macrophages in lepromatous leprosy by other myco-bacte-
ria. J. Convit, M.E. Pinardi, G. Rodríguez Ochoa, M. Ulrich, J.L. Ávila
and M. Goihman. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 17: 261-265,1974.

146 Leprosy: Confirmation in the armadillo. J. Convit and M.E.
Pinardi. Science, 184:1191-1192,1974.

147 Onchocerciasis in Venezuela. J. Convit. Scientific Publication
ND 298, PAHO, pp. 105-109,1974.

148 Mycolic acids from "Noncultivable" mycobacteria. A.H. Etemadi
and J. Convit. Infecí, and Immun. 10: 236-239,1974.

149 Studies on human polymorphonuclear leukocyte enzimes.
III. Differential activation of primary and specific granules by phospho-
lupase C and deoxycholate. J.L. Ávila and J. Convit. Bioch. Biophys.
Acta 345:11-16,1974.

150 Studies on human polymorphonuclear leukocyte enzymes.
IV. Intracellular distribution and properties of B-L-fucosidase. J.L. Ávila
and J. Convit. Bioch. Biophys. Acta 358:308- 318,1974.

151 Leprosy and Leishmaniasis. Similar clinical-immunological-
pathological models. J. Convit. Ethiopian Medical Journal,

152 Inhibition of leucocytic lysosomal enzymes by glycosaminogly-
cans in vitro. J.L. Ávila and J. Convit. The Biochem. J. Office. 175,1975.

153 Specificity of the 48-hour reaction to Mitsuda antigen.
I. Use of a soluble antigen from human and armadillo lepromin. J. Convit, M.E. Pinardi, J.L. Ávila and N. Aranzazu. Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org. 52:187-191,1975.

154 Tests with three antigens in leprosy-endemic and non-endemic
áreas. J. Convit, M.E. Pinardi, F. Arias Rojas, I. González, G. Corey,
J.J. Arvelo and H. Monzón. Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org. 52:193-197,1975.

155 The pygmy armadillo (Dasypus sabanicola) as a new research
animal. J. Convit and E.E. Storrs. Presented at the 26th Annual Session
American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, Boston,
November, 16-21,1975.

156 The surface membrane of Leishmania. I. The effects of Lectins
on different stages of Leishmania braziliensis. K. Dawidowicts,
A.G. Hernández, R.B. Infante and J. Convit. Thef. of Parasitology,
61: 950-953,1975.

157 Polymorphonuclear activation in leprosy. I. M. Goihman Yahr,
G. Rodríguez O., N. Aranzazu and J. Convit. Clin. Ex. Immunol.
20: 257,1975.

158 Dermal exúdate macrophages. Induction in dermal chambers
and response to lymphokines. M. Goihman Yahr, M. Ulrich, A. Noya León, A. Rojas and J. Convit. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 22: 359-363,1975.

159 Germicidal activity of polyenzimic system on pathogenic proto-
zoa in vitro. P.J. Jacques, J.L. Ávila, M.E. Pinardi and J. Convit. Arch.
Intern. Phys. Biochim. 83: 796-798,1975.

160 The histochemistry of armadillo skin. I. Campo-Aasen
and J. Convit. /. Anat. 120: 337-348,1975.

161 Preliminary taxonomic studies on the leprosy bacillus.
J.L. Stanford, G.A.W. Rook, J. Convit, T. Codal, G. Kronvall, R.J.W.
Rees and P. Walsh. Br. /. Exp. Path. 56:579-585,1975.

162 Chemotherapy and immunotherapy of parasitic diseases by
means of applied lysosomal. P.J. Jacques, L. Demoulin- Brahy,
J.L. Ávila, J. Delville, R.J.W. Rees, J. Gillet, J. Convit and M. Song.
/. Reticuloend. Soc. 20:28,1976.

163 Loss of infectivity of Mycobacterial and Protozoal Exoplasmic
Parasites after exposure in vitro to the Polyenzymic Cocktail "PIGO".
J.L. Ávila, J. Convit, M.E. Pinardi and P.J. Jacques. Bioch. Soc. Trans.

164 Inmunoterapia de las verrugas vulgares diseminadas con dinitro-
clorobenceno. M. Goihman Yahr, J. Fernández y J. Convit. Med. Cut. ILA
NB3,pp. 187-194,1976.

165 Kinetic and eleactrophoretic studies on the cyanide einsensitive
NADA diaphorase of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. J.L. Ávila
and J. Convit. Acta Cient. Venez. 27:321- 328,1976.

166 Comparativo study of the 48-hour response to soluble antigens
obtained from human armadillo leprosy material in lepromatous lep-
rossy patients and normal persons, and contacts of leprosy patients.
J. Convit, M.E. Pinardi and N. Aranzazu. Int. J. Lep. 44:284-286,1976.

167 Recent advances in the immunology of leprosy. J. Convit
and M. Ulrich. Int. J. ofDermat. 15:157-170,1976.

168 Physiochemical characteristics of the Glycosaminoglican-Lyso-
somal enzyme interaction in vitro. A model of control of leucocytic
lysosomal activity. J.L. Ávila and J. Convit. Biochem. J. 160:129-136,1976.

169 Chronic allergic encephalomyelitis of the guinea pig: Effects
of material sensitization on the offspring. M. Goihman Yahr
and J. Convit. Acta Cient. Venez. 27:124-128,1976.

170 Lepra. H. Monzón, J. Convit and M.E. Pinardi. Acia Cient. Venez.

171 Importancia epidemiológica de los grupos de edad en las pobla¬
ciones de Simulium metallicum (Diftera: simuliidae) en Venezuela.
J. Ramírez Pérez, E. Rasi, J. Convit y A. Ramírez. Bol. Ofic. San. Panam.

172 Susceptibility of armadillo species to leprosy. E.E. Storrs, G.P.
Walsh, H.P. Burchfleld and J. Convit. Aalas Bull. 15 (5), 1976.
173 Immunological characteristics of the armadillo, Dasypus sabani-
cola. M. Ulrich, J. Convit, M. Centeno and M. Rapetti. Clin. andExper.
Immunol. 25:170,1976.

174 Activación polimorfonuclear en la enfermedad por adyuvante.
Implicaciones para la lepra lepromatosa reaccional. M. Goihman Yahr,
J. Convit, A. Ocanto, L. Villalba Pimentel. Acta Cient. Venez.
27(Suppl. l): 62,1976.

175 Una constelación clínica desusada: Vitíligo, mastocitosis
de la médula ósea, heparinoide circulante, úlcera crónica de la pierna, hipoalbuminemia, colitis ulcerosa y flbrosis hepática. M. Goihman Yahr, C. Goldstein, Y. González, N.Aranzazu y J.Convit. Med. Cut. Iberolatinoamerícana 5:229-234,1977.

176 Aspectos inmunológicos en la leishmaniasis. M. Goihman Yahr,
J. Convit y M.E. Pinardi. Anais Brasileiros de Dermatología

177 Host parasite relationship between Mycobacterium leprae and
hámster cheek-pouch cells. I. Campo-Aasen and J. Convit. Acta Cient.
Venez. 28:150-154,1977.

178 Naturally acquired Leprosy-Like Disease in the nine-banded
Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus): Reactions in leprosy patients
to lepromins prepared from naturally infected armadillos. Wayne M. Meyers, Gerald P. Walsh, Harriett L. Brown, R.J.W. Rees and Jacinto Convit./. oftheReticuloendoth. Soc. 22:369-375,1977.

179 The armadillo as an experimental animal model in leprosy
research. J. Convit. ScientificPublication No. 342, Pan American Health
Organization, pp. 53-56,1977.

180 Lepra y Leishmaniasis. Modelos clínico-inmunológico-patológi-
cos similares. J.Convit. Publicación Científica Ne344, Pan American
Health Organization, pp. 23-29,1977.

181 El Centro Internacional OPS/OMS de Investigación y Adiestra¬
miento sobre Lepra y Enfermedades Afines (CIALEA). J. Convit.
Publicación Científica NS344, Pan American Health Organization,
pp. 143-150,1977.

182 Discovery of a new Onchocerciasis focus in Venezuela. E. Rassi,
H. Monzón, M. Castillo, I. Hernández, J. Ramírez Pérez and J. Convit.
Bull. o/Pan American Hlth. Org. Vo. XINQ l: 41-63,1977.

183 General ideas concerning vaccine against leprosy: A basis for dis-
cussion during the Eleventh International Congress of Leprosy.
Editorial. J. Convit. Intern. J. of Lep. 46:61- 63,1978.

184 Cellular immunological methods in leprosy. Their use in progno¬
sis. In: A Windowon Leprosy, pp. 229-234, Gandhi Memorial Leprosy
Foundation Silver Jubilee Commemorative Volume, New Delhi, 1978.

185 Indigenous leprosy in the armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus.
Guest Editorial. J. Convit. /. ofthe Reticuloendoth. Soc. 24:605-607,1978.

186 Leprosy in the armadillo. Clinical and pathological aspects.
J. Convit, N. Aranzazu and M.E. Pinardi. Scientific Publication
Na 366, Pan American Health Organization, pp. 41-46,1978.

187 Significance of neutrophil activation in reactional lepromatous
leprosy: Effects of Thalidomide in vivo and in vitro. M. Goihman Yahr,J. Convit, G. Rodríguez Ochoa, N. Aranzazu L. Villalba P., A. Ocanto, M. Gómez. Int. Arch. AlleigyAppl. Immunol. 57: 317-332,1978.

188 Kiyiing of several pathogenic protozoa by free-radicay generator
systems. J.L. Ávila, A. Bretaña, P.J. Jacques, M.A. Casanova & J. Convit.
Current Chemoth. 153-155,1978.

189 Studies on the effeot of serum and proteins on in vitro induced
neutrophil activation. M. Goihman Yahr, L. Villalba Pimentey,
G. Rodríguez Oohoa, N. Aranzazu, J. Convit, A. Ocanto and M.E. Gómez. /. Reticuloendothelial Soc. 23:435- 446,1973.

190 Unilateral Dinitrochlorobenzene immunopathy of recalcitrant
warts. M. Goihman Yahr, J. Fernández, A. Boastswain and J. Convit.
TheLancetl: 447-448,1978.

191 Immunological ohanges observed in indeterminate and leproma-
tous leprosy patients and Mitsuda-negative contacts after the inocula-
tion on a mixture of Mycobacterium leprae and BCG. J. Convit,
N. Aranzazu, M.E. Pinardi and M. Ulrich. Clin. Exper. Immunol. 36:214-220,1979.

192 The development of an active vaccine against leprosy. J. Convit,
H. Monzón, M.E. Pinardi, N. Aranzazu and M. Ulrich. Acta Cient.
Venez. 30: 491-493,1979.

193 Development of an active vaccine against Hanseniosis as an im-
mediate high priority objective. J. Convit. The Star, 38 (4): 5-6-16,1979.

194 Experimental leprosy in Dasypus sabanicola (Resumen). J. Convit,
N. Aranzazu and M. Ulrich. Int. J. ofLep. 47,2 (Suppl.): 338,1979.

195 Clinico-pathological aspects of leprosy (Resumen). J. Convit,
N. Aranzazu and M.E. Pinardi. Int.]. Lep. 47,2 (Suppl.): 415,1979.

196 El concepto de espectro en enfermedades provocadas por parásitos
intracelulares. J. Convit. Immunol. Clínica 2 (l): 25-29,1979.

197 New method for estimating digestión of Paracoccidioides
brasilien-sis by phagocytic cells in vítor. M. Goihman Yahr.
E. Essenfeld Yahr, M.C. Albornoz, L. Yarzábal, M.E. Gómez. B. San Martín, A. Ocanto and J. Convit. /. Clin. Microb. 103/: 365-370.1979.

198 Signiflcance of polymorphonuclear activation in reactional lepro-
matous leprosy. Effects of thalidomide in vivo and in vitro (Resumen).
M. Goihman Yahr, G. Rodríguez Ochoa, N. Aranzazu. J. Convit. M.E.
Gómez and A. Ocanto. Int. J. ofLep. 47,2 (Suppl.): 373.19/9.

199 Conversión of Mitsuda negative normáis into Mitsuda positive
through repeated testing with diverse antigens. M.E. Pinardi and
J. Convit. Int.J. ofLepr. 47,2 (Suppl.): 379,1979.

200 Skin-reactive antigens of Mycobacterium leprae. M. Ulrich.
J. Convit, N. Aranzazu and M.E. Pinardi. Int. J. ofLepr. 47.2
(Suppl.) 386,1979.

201 In vitro activation of neutrophils by suspensions of Mycobacte¬
rium leprae. M. Goihman Yahr, G. Rodríguez Ochoa. X. Aranzazu.
M.E. Pinardi, M.E. Gómez, A. Ocanto and J. Convit. Int. J. ofLepr.
47 (4): 570-574, 1979.

202 Lysosomes and the medical care of infectious diseases. P. J. Jac¬
ques, J. Delville, J.L. Ávila, L. Demoulin Brahy, M. Song, S. Stadtabaeder,
B.T. Nguyen, J. Gillet and J. Convit. Proc. Vth. Internat. Conference on
Global Impacts of Applied Microbiology. pp. 264-270,1979.

203 Recommended safety requirements for the preparation
of lepromin: a WHO Memorándum. B.R. Bloom, J. Convit, T. Godal, S.K. Noordeen, F.T. Perdins, R.J.W. Rees, H. Sansarricq, C.C. Shepard, G. Torrigiani, J. Walter. Bull. World Hlth. Org. 57(6): 921-923,1979.


204 Vaccination in Leprosy. Observations and interpretations.
J. Convit, M. Ulrich and N. Aranzazu. Editorial, Int. J. ofLepr.
48: 62-65, 1980.

205 Clinical and pathological aspects of leprosy and other diseases
produced by intracellular parasites. J. Convit, N. Aranzazu,
M.E. Pinardi and M. Ulrich. Leprosy, Excerpta Medica, International Congress Series 466, pp. 248-252,1980.

206 Neutrophil activation in adjuvant disease. Its implications for
reactional lepromatous leprosy. J. Convit, M. Goihman Yahr, A. Ocanto,
M.E. Gómez, L. Villalba Pimentel. Leprosy, Excerpta Medica, Interna¬
tional Congress Seríes 466, pp. 169,1980.

207 Conversión of Mitsuda negative normáis into Mitsuda positive
through repeated testing with diverse antigens. M. E. Pinardi,
H. Monzón and J. Convit. Leprosy, Excerpta Medica, International Congress Seríes 466, pp. 163,1980.

208 Experimental transmission of human leprosy to the Armadillo
Dasypus Sabanicola. J. Convit, N. Aranzazu, M.E. Pinardi
and M. Nishiura. Leprosy, Excerpta Medica. International Congress
Seríes 466, pp. 5054,1980.

209 The development of a vaccine against Hansen'disease. J. Convit,
M. Ulrich and N. Aranzazu. The Star, 39 (e): 2-3-16,1980.

210 Bases conceptuales de la vacuna contra la lepra. J. Convit. Dermat.
Venez. Año XXI Vol. XVIII, NB1-2:103-107,1980.

211 Studies on plating efficiency and estimation of viability of sus¬
pensión of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeast cells. M. Goihman Yahr,
L. Fine, M.C. Albornoz, L. Yarzábal, M.H. Gómez, B. San Martín,
A. Ocanto, T. Molina y J. Convit. Mycopathologia 71: 73-83,1980.

212 Defect of in vitro digestive ability of polymorphonuclear leuko-
cytes in Paracoccidioidomycosis. M. Goihman Yahr, E. Essenfeld-Yahr,
M.C. de Albornoz. L. Yarzábal, M. de Gómez, B. San Martín, A. Ocanto,
F. Gil & J. Convit. Infecí. & Lmmun., 283-83, IQBO.

213 Serological and irnmmunohistological studies on Lepromatous
Leprosy. K. Kano, N. Aranzazu, T. Nishimaki, J. Convit, B. Albini
and F. Milgrom. Int. Archs. AllergyAppl. Immun. 64:19-24,1981.

214 Especificidad de la reacción 48-horas con antígeno Mitsuda.
J. Convit, M.E. Pinardi, J.L. Ávila y N. Aranzazu. Rev. Soc. Méd. Quirúrg. Hosp. de Emerg. Pérez de León, Vol. XVINQ i: 13-24,1981.

215 El desarrollo de una vacuna activa contra la lepra. J. Convit,H. Monzón, M.E. Pinardi, N. Aranzazu y M. Ulrich. Newsletter
(CONICIT) 4: 4-6,1981.

216 Cutaneous leishmaniasis in mice: Resistant to glucan immu-
notherapy, either alone or combined with chemotherapy. J.L. Ávila,
F. Biondo, H. Monzón and J. Convit. Am./. Trop.Med. andHyg.

217 Immunotherapy and Immunoprophylaxis in leprosy. J. Convit,
N. Aranzazu, M. Ulrich, M.E. Pinardi, M. Zúñiga, E. Villarroel
and J. Alvarado. Quad. di Coop. Sanit. No. i: 45-49,1982.

218 Activated supressor T Cells in Leprosy. V. Mehra, J. Convit,
A. Rubinstein and B.R. Bloom. /. oflmmunol. 120:1946-1951,1982.

219 Delayed-Type hypersensitivity and IgE in American Cutaneous
Leishmaniasis. N.R. Lynch, L. Yarzábal, O. Verde, J.L. Ávila, H. Monzón
y J. Convit. Infecí, andlmmun. 38,3:877- 881,1982.

220 Immunotherapy with a mixture of Mycobacterium leprae
and BCG in different forms of leprosy and in Mitsuda-negative contacts. T, Convit, N. Aranzazu, M. Ulrich, M.E. Pinardi, O. Reyes and J. Alva¬rado. Int. ]. O/Lepr. 40: 415-424,1982.

221 IgE in Leprosy; effect of a M. leprae-BCG vaccine. N.R. Lynch,
R.I. López, M. Ulrich, N. Aranzazu y J. Convit. Int. J. ofLepr. 41(2), 1983.

222 The Immunotherapy of Leprosy. J. Convit, M. Ulrich, N. Aranzazu.
Quad. di Coop. Sanit. No. l: 163-169,1983.

223 The Immunoprophylaxis of Leprosy. J. Convit, M. Ulrich,
M. Zúñiga. Quad. di Coop. Sanit. N° l: 177-186,1983.

224 Immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis of leprosy. J. Convit,
N. Aranzazu, M. Zúñiga, M. Ulrich, M.E. Pinardi, Z. Castellazzi
and J. Alvarado. Lepr. Rev. (Special Issue), pp..

225 Modelo de vacunación usando dos gérmenes y su aplicación
en enfermedades tropicales (lepra y leishmaniasis). J. Convit,
M. Ulrich, N. Aranzazu, M.E. Gallinotto. Org. Pan. de la Salud, PublicaciónPNSP/84-85. pp. 48-58,1983.

226 A model of vaccination with two microorganisms in infectious
diseases. J. Convit, M. Ulrich, N. Aranzazu and M. Zúñiga.
Int. f. O/Lep. 51,4: 670-672,1983.

227 Development of a new model of vaccination and its application
in Hansens Disease. J. Convit, N. Aranzazu, M. Ulrich and M.E. Pinardi.
The Star, September/October 1984, pp. u-13,1984.

228 A model of vaccination with two micro-organisms in leprosy
and leishmaniasis. J. Convit, M. Ulrich, N. Aranzazu, M. Zúñiga,
Z. Castellazzi and M.E. Aragón. Interciencia, 9 (l): 44-45,1984.

229 Desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de vacunación en el Instituto
Nacional de Dermatología. J. Convit. Lamigal, 4:14-17,1984.

230 Association of HLA speciflcity LB-E12 (MBl, DCi, MTi) with
lepromatous leprosy in a Venezuelan population. T. Ottenhoff,
N. González, R.R.P, de Vries, J. Convit & J. Van Road. Tissue Antigens,
24: 25-29,1984.

231 Vaccination in leprosy: Preliminary results in a trial in Venezuela.
M. Zúñiga, J. Convit & Z. Castellazzi. Int. f. ofLepr. 52 (4): 743,1984.

232 Immunotherapy of leprosy with a mixture of M. leprae and BCG.
J. Convit, N. Aranzazu, M. Ulrich and M.E. Aragón. Intemat. f. Leprosy.

233 Antibody to soluble antigen of M. leprae and phenolic glycolipid I
in patients and contacts. M. Ulrich, J. Convit and M. Centeno.
/ni./. ofLepr. 52:692,1984.

234 Larval stages and adult parasites of filariae from Dasypus sabani-
cola. Preliminary report. I. Campo Aasen, J. Convit, E. Rada & M. Men-
doza. Arch. Hosp. Vargas. 3-4:85-91,1984.

235 Vacuna contra la Lepra. N. Aranzazu y J. Convit. Dermat. Venez.
Vol. XX N0 3 y 4: 26-31,1984.

236 HLA-Linked control of predisposition to lepromatous leprosy.
W. Van Edén, N. González, R. de Vries, J. Convit & J. Van Rood.
/. of Infecí. Dis. 151 (i), 1985.

237 Immunology, Epidemiology and Social Aspects of Leprosy.
C. Chagas, L. Andrade, O. Bier, B. Bloom, J. Convit, T. Codal, M. Lechat, N. Mendes, W. Meyers, R. Mutatkar, S. Noordeen, M. Ulrich, G. Walsh and R. Young. Pontiflcial Academy of Science, Vatican City, Italy (42pages),l985.

238 In situ detection of amastigotes in American Cutaneous leishma¬
niasis, using monoclonal antibodies. N.R. Lynch, C. Malave,
R.B. Infante, R.L. Modlin & J. Convit. Trans. Roya! Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg.,
80: 6-9,1986.

239 Vaccination in leprosy. J. Convit, N. Aranzazu, M. Ulrich,
M.E. Pinardi, P.L. Castellanos and M. Zúñiga. Proc. oflnt. Sympos.
on Mycobact. ofdinicialIníeresi, Essevier Science Publishers,
Excerpta Medica, Editor: M. Casal, pp. 336-3441986.

240 New projections in the development of a vaccination model using
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M. Zúñiga and M.E. Pinardi. Interciencia, 11,5: 239-241,1986.

241 The development of a vaccination model using two microorga¬
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M. Ulrich, N. Aranzazu, P.L. Castellanos, M.E. Pinardi and O. Reyes.
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242 Immunotherapy versus chemotherapy in localised cutaneous
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243 Current status of immunotherapy research in leprosy. J. Convit,
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W. Mosca, R.M. Pérez, L. Brioeño, J.J. Henríquez and J. Convit. Histol.
Histopath. 2: 277-283,1987.

245 Immunosuppression and cellular immunity reactions in leprosy
patienis treated with a mixture of Mycobacterium leprae and BCG.
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247 Situación actual en Inmunoterapia de Leishmaniasis. J. Convit,
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248 Learning írorn lesions: Patterns of tissue inflammation in leprosy.
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249 Leukocyte subsets in the granulomatous response produced after
inoculation with Mycobacterium leprae-BCG in lepromatous patients.
A. Gross, E. Weiss, F.J. Tapia, N. Aranzazu, M.E. Gallinotto
and J. Convit. In press, Am /. Trop. Med. Hyg. 38(3): 608-612,1988.

250 Mechanisms of immunological unaresponsiveness in the spectra
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251 Erythema Dyschromicum Perstans. J. Convit, J. Piquero-Martín
ic R. Pérez. Int.J. Dermatol. 28:168-169,1989.

252 Immunotherapy of Localizad, Intermedíate and Diffuse Forms
: f American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. J. Convit, P.L. Castellanos,
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253 Clinical trial with clofazimine for treating erytema dyschromicum
zerstans. M. Piquero, R. Pérez-Alfonzo, V. Abrusci, L. Briceño,
A. Gross, W. Mosca, F.J. Tapia & J. Convit. Int. J. Dermatol. • 198-200,1989.

254 Cell-mediated immunity in localized cutaneous leishmaniasis
;¿tients before and after treatment with immunotherapy or chem
:~_herapy. M. Gastes, Z. Moros, A. Martínez, D. Tmjillo, P.L. Castellanos.
A.J. Rondón & J. Convit. Paras. Immun. II: 211-222,1989.

255 On the acid phosphatase isoenzymes existing in american
Leishmaniapromastigotes. J.L. Ávila, D. Hernández-Morales. M.A.
Polegre and J. Convit. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 94B (2): 335-342.1989.

256 Leprosy - Bacterial, Pathological, Immunological and Immuno-
pathological aspects. J. Convit and M. Ulrich. En libro: Mycobacteríal Skin Diseases. Ed. M. Harahap, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Lancashire, England, pp. 33-78,1989.


257 Situación actual en Inmunoterapia de Leishmaniasis. J. Convit,
P.L. Castellanos, M. Ulrich, A.J. Rondón, M.E. Pinardi, N. Rodríguez,
B. Infante, M. Gastes, S. Tellez, L. García y B. Bloom. Bol. Dermatol.
Sanit. 21: 42-56,1990.

258 Sinefungin as treatment for American Leishmania in sensitive
BALB/C and resistant C57B1/6 mices. Ávila, J.L., Rojas, T, Monzón,
H. and Convit,/. Amer. /. Trop. Med. Hyg. 43:139-145,1990.

259 Onchocerciasis. J. Convit and E. Rassi. Cap. en libro: Clinical
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260 Linfocitos T vírgenes y T memoria en la leishmaniasis cutánea
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261 Immunological suppression by human CD8 + T cells is receptor
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262 Leprosy and Leishmaniasis Vaccines. J. Convit, M. Ulrich
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263 IgM antibodies to native phenolic glicolipid I in contacts
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264 Immunocytochemical characterization of immune cells in lesions
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265 Differing Lymphokine Proflles of Functional Subsets of Human
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266 Immunoprophylactic trial with combined Mycobacterium
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267 A major T cell antigen of Mycobacterium leprae is a lOkD heat-
shock cognate protein. V. Mehra, B.R. Bloom, A.C. Bajardi, C.L. Grisso,
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268 Abendazole in the treatment of Onchocerciasis: double-blindR. Bartholomew, S. Núñez de Maza, S. Rodulfo, C.A. Welborn, M.L. Ebrhard &J. Convit. Am.J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 47:512-520,1992.

269 Parasitic oligosaocharide residues recognized by patients
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270 BCG vaccination protects against leprosy in Venezuela:
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271 BCG vaccination protects against leprosy in Venezuela. J. Convit,
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273 Determination of the cytokine proflle in American cutaneous
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B.R. Bloom & J. Convit. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 91: 500-505,1993.

274 The clinical and immunological spectrum of America cutaneous
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Med. Hyg. 87: 444-448,1993.

275 Antigen-speciflc immunodeflciency and its relation to the spec¬
trum of American cutaneous leishmaniasis. J. Convit y M. Ulrich.
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276 Serum levéis of tumor necrosis factor in patients with American
cutaneous leishmaniasis. M. Gastes, D. Trujillo, M.E. Rojas, C.T.
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277 The cutaneous lesión in American leishmaniasis: leukocyte
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G. Cáceres-Dittmar, M.A. Sánchez, A.E. Fernández and J. Convit. Biol.
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278 Immunotherapy of leishmaniasis. A.J. Rondón and J. Convit.
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279 Adhesión molecules in lesions of American cutaneous leish¬
maniasis. F.J. Tapia, G. Cáceres-Dittmar, M.A. Sánchez, C.T. Fernández,
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280 Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Táchira State, Venezuela.
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281 Analysis of vaccines preparad from armadillo-derived Myco-
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282 Visceral Leishmaniasis Due to a Leishmania Variant That Shares
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mania mexicana in a Patient Infected with Human Immunodeflciency
Virus: Identification of the Leishmania Species with Use of the
Polymerase Chain Reaction. D. Hernández, N. Rodríguez, M.
Wessolossky and J. Convit. Clin. Infecí. Dis. 21: 701-702,1995.

283 Chapter 20 - Protozoan Diseases of the Skin - Leishmaniasis.
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285 Desarrollo de Inmunoterapia de la Leishmaniasis Cutánea
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287 Aaby P, Babiker A, Darbyshire J, Nunn A, Barreto S, Alonso P, Badaro R,
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288 Rada E, Ulrich M, Aranzazu N, Rodriguez V, Centeno M, Gonzalez I, Santaella
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289 Rada EM, Aranzazu N, Convit J. Immunological reactions to mycobacterial proteins in the spectrum of leprosy. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis. 1997 Dec;65(4):497-500. PubMed PMID: 9465162.

290 Rada-Schlaefli E, Santaella C, Aranzazu N, Convit J. Detection of antibodies toward secreted mycobacterial antigen 85 in untreated leprosy patients' sera. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis. 1999 Jun;67(2):168-70. PubMed PMID: 10472373.


291 Cabrera M, Blackwell JM, Castes M, Trujillo D, Convit J, Shaw MA. Immunotherapy with live BCG plus heat killed Leishmania induces a T helper 1-like response in American cutaneous leishmaniasis patients. Parasite Immunol. 2000 Feb;22(2):73-9. PubMed PMID: 10652119.

292 Convit J, Ulrich M. Immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis of leprosy. Indian J Lepr. 2000 Jan-Mar;72(1):21-32. Review. PubMed PMID: 10935184.

293 Zerpa O, Ulrich M, Negrón E, Rodríguez N, Centeno M, Rodríguez V, Barrios RM, Belizario D, Reed S, Convit J. Canine visceral leishmaniasis on Margarita Island (Nueva Esparta, Venezuela). Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2000 Sep-Oct;94(5):484-7.PubMed PMID: 11132371.

294 Zerpa O, Pratlong F, Ulrich M, Convit J. Isolation of Leishmania infantum, zymodeme MON-1 from canine and human visceral leishmaniasis on Margarita Island, Venezuela. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2001 Oct;96(7):901-2. PubMed PMID: 11685252.

295 Toro S, Armengol R, Convit J, de Salas AV, Takiff H, de Waard JH. The molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in Caracas, Venezuela, with IS6110 DNA fingerprinting. Acta Cient Venez. 2001;52 Suppl 1:33-5. PubMed PMID: 11899702.

296 Fernández de Larrea C, Fandiño C, López D, del Nogal B, Rodríguez N, Convit J, Araujo Z, de Waard JH. [Tuberculosis in subjects under 15 years of age in the population of Warao in Venezuela]. Invest Clin. 2002 Mar;43(1):35-48. Spanish. PubMed PMID: 11921746.

297 Diaz NL, Zerpa O, Ponce LV, Convit J, Rondon AJ, Tapia FJ. Intermediate or chronic cutaneous leishmaniasis: leukocyte immunophenotypes and cytokine characterisation of the lesion. Exp Dermatol. 2002 Feb;11(1):34-41. PubMed PMID: 11952826.

298 De Lima H, De Guglielmo Z, Rodríguez A, Convit J, Rodriguez N. Cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) and black rats (Rattus rattus) as possible reservoirs of Leishmania spp. in Lara State, Venezuela. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2002 Mar;97(2):169-74. PubMed PMID: 12016437.

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300 Convit J. Fighting leprosy and other endemic diseases. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2002 Jul;12(1):1-4. PubMed PMID: 12202018.

301 Rada E, Zambrano EA, Rodríguez IY, Santaella C, Convit J. Gelatinase activity in Mycobacterium bovis protein extract. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis. 2002 Dec;70(4):260-8. PubMed PMID: 12768927.
302 Zerpa O, Ulrich M, Borges R, Rodríguez V, Centeno M, Negrón E, Belizario D, Convit J. idemiological aspects of human and canine visceral leishmaniasis in Venezuela. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2003 Apr;13(4):239-45. PubMed PMID: 12804153.

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304 Ortiz D, Cavazza ME, Rodríguez O, Hagel I, Correnti M, Convit J. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in Warao lineage communities of Delta Amacuro State, Venezuela. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2003 Sep;98(6):721-5. Epub 2003 Oct 29. PubMed PMID: 14595445.

305 González N, De Cubeddu L, de Waard JH, Fandiño C, Fernández de Larrea C, López D, Maldonado A, Ocaña Y, Hernández E, Ortega R, Convit J, Pujol FH, Castés M, Araujo Z. [Study of immune response in Warao children from communities with high tuberculosis prevalence]. Invest Clin. 2003 Dec;44(4):303-18. Spanish. PubMed PMID: 14727384.

306 Convit J, Ulrich M, Polegre MA, Avila A, Rodríguez N, Mazzedo MI, Blanco B. Therapy of Venezuelan patients with severe mucocutaneous or early lesions of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis with a vaccine containing pasteurized Leishmania promastigotes and bacillus Calmette-Guerin: preliminary report. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2004 Feb;99(1):57-62. Epub 2004 Mar 31. PubMed PMID: 15057348.

307 Sanchez MA, Diaz NL, Zerpa O, Negron E, Convit J, Tapia FJ. Organ-specificimmunity in canine visceral leishmaniasis: analysis of symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs naturally infected with Leishmania chagasi. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2004 Jun;70(6):618-24. PubMed PMID: 15211002.

308 Convit J, Ulrich M, Zerpa O, Borges R, Aranzazu N, Valera M, Villarroel H, Zapata Z, Tomedes I. Immunotherapy of american cutaneous leishmaniasis in Venezuela during the period 1990-99. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2003 Jul-Aug;97(4):469-72. PubMed PMID: 15259484.

309 Araujo Z, Waard JH, Fernández de Larrea C, López D, Fandiño C, Maldonado A, Hernández E, Ocaña Y, Ortega R, Singh M, Ottenhoff TH, Arend SM, Convit J. Study  of the antibody response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in Warao Amerindian children in Venezuela. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2004 Aug;99(5):517-24. Epub 2004 Nov 3. PubMed PMID: 15543417.

310 Convit J, Ulrich M, Pérez M, Hung J, Castillo J, Rojas H, Viquez A, Araya LN, Lima HD. Atypical cutaneous leishmaniasis in Central America: possible interaction between infectious and environmental elements. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2005 Jan;99(1):13-7. PubMed PMID: 15550256.

311 Rada E, Nacarid A, Convit J. [Some immunological aspects in the reaccional states of Hansen disease]. Invest Clin. 2005 Dec;46(4):381-9. Review. Spanish. PubMed PMID: 16353545.

312 Convit J, Ulrich M, Castillo J, De Lima H, Pérez M, Caballero N, Hung J, Arana B, Pérez P. Inorganic particles in the skin of inhabitants of volcanic areas of Central America: their possible immunomodulatory influence in leishmaniasis and leprosy. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2006 Aug;100(8):734-9. Epub 2006 Jan 10. PubMed PMID: 16406036.

313 Zerpa O, Blanco B, Kannee C, Ulrich M, Sindermann H, Engel J, Convit J. Treatment of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis with miltefosine: a case report. Int J Dermatol. 2006 Jun;45(6):751-3. PubMed PMID: 16796642.

314 Rada EM, Zambrano EA, Aranzazu N, Convit J. Serologic recognition of low molecular weight mycobacterial protein fractions in lepromatous patients with type II reactions (ENL). Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis. 2005 Sep;73(3):222-5. PubMed PMID: 16830648.

315 Zerpa O, Ulrich M, Blanco B, Polegre M, Avila A, Matos N, Mendoza I, Pratlong F, Ravel C, Convit J. Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis responds to miltefosine but then relapses. Br J Dermatol. 2007 Jun;156(6):1328-35. Epub 2007 Apr 17. PubMed PMID: 17441955.

316 Araujo Z, de Waard JH, de Larrea CF, Borges R, Convit J. The effect of Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine on tuberculin reactivity in indigenous children from communities with high prevalence of tuberculosis. Vaccine. 2008 Oct 16;26(44):5575-81. Epub 2008 Aug 22. PubMed PMID: 18723065.

317 Jiménez JC, Pinon A, Dive D, Capron M, Dei-Cas E, Convit J. Antibody response in children infected with Giardia intestinalis before and after treatment with Secnidazole. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2009 Jan;80(1):11-5. PubMed PMID: 19141831.

318 Desarrollo de una autovacuna + BCG y su posible uso en el tratamiento del cáncer, Drs. Jacinto Convit, Marian Ulrich, ISSN 0367-4762 versión impresa, Gac Méd Caracas v.114 n.4 Caracas dic. 2006