martes, 13 de julio de 2010


204 Vaccination in Leprosy. Observations and interpretations.
J. Convit, M. Ulrich and N. Aranzazu. Editorial, Int. J. ofLepr.
48: 62-65, 1980.

205 Clinical and pathological aspects of leprosy and other diseases
produced by intracellular parasites. J. Convit, N. Aranzazu,
M.E. Pinardi and M. Ulrich. Leprosy, Excerpta Medica, International Congress Series 466, pp. 248-252,1980.

206 Neutrophil activation in adjuvant disease. Its implications for
reactional lepromatous leprosy. J. Convit, M. Goihman Yahr, A. Ocanto,
M.E. Gómez, L. Villalba Pimentel. Leprosy, Excerpta Medica, Interna¬
tional Congress Seríes 466, pp. 169,1980.

207 Conversión of Mitsuda negative normáis into Mitsuda positive
through repeated testing with diverse antigens. M. E. Pinardi,
H. Monzón and J. Convit. Leprosy, Excerpta Medica, International Congress Seríes 466, pp. 163,1980.

208 Experimental transmission of human leprosy to the Armadillo
Dasypus Sabanicola. J. Convit, N. Aranzazu, M.E. Pinardi
and M. Nishiura. Leprosy, Excerpta Medica. International Congress
Seríes 466, pp. 5054,1980.

209 The development of a vaccine against Hansen'disease. J. Convit,
M. Ulrich and N. Aranzazu. The Star, 39 (e): 2-3-16,1980.

210 Bases conceptuales de la vacuna contra la lepra. J. Convit. Dermat.
Venez. Año XXI Vol. XVIII, NB1-2:103-107,1980.

211 Studies on plating efficiency and estimation of viability of sus¬
pensión of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeast cells. M. Goihman Yahr,
L. Fine, M.C. Albornoz, L. Yarzábal, M.H. Gómez, B. San Martín,
A. Ocanto, T. Molina y J. Convit. Mycopathologia 71: 73-83,1980.

212 Defect of in vitro digestive ability of polymorphonuclear leuko-
cytes in Paracoccidioidomycosis. M. Goihman Yahr, E. Essenfeld-Yahr,
M.C. de Albornoz. L. Yarzábal, M. de Gómez, B. San Martín, A. Ocanto,
F. Gil & J. Convit. Infecí. & Lmmun., 283-83, IQBO.

213 Serological and irnmmunohistological studies on Lepromatous
Leprosy. K. Kano, N. Aranzazu, T. Nishimaki, J. Convit, B. Albini
and F. Milgrom. Int. Archs. AllergyAppl. Immun. 64:19-24,1981.

214 Especificidad de la reacción 48-horas con antígeno Mitsuda.
J. Convit, M.E. Pinardi, J.L. Ávila y N. Aranzazu. Rev. Soc. Méd. Quirúrg. Hosp. de Emerg. Pérez de León, Vol. XVINQ i: 13-24,1981.

215 El desarrollo de una vacuna activa contra la lepra. J. Convit,H. Monzón, M.E. Pinardi, N. Aranzazu y M. Ulrich. Newsletter
(CONICIT) 4: 4-6,1981.

216 Cutaneous leishmaniasis in mice: Resistant to glucan immu-
notherapy, either alone or combined with chemotherapy. J.L. Ávila,
F. Biondo, H. Monzón and J. Convit. Am./. Trop.Med. andHyg.

217 Immunotherapy and Immunoprophylaxis in leprosy. J. Convit,
N. Aranzazu, M. Ulrich, M.E. Pinardi, M. Zúñiga, E. Villarroel
and J. Alvarado. Quad. di Coop. Sanit. No. i: 45-49,1982.

218 Activated supressor T Cells in Leprosy. V. Mehra, J. Convit,
A. Rubinstein and B.R. Bloom. /. oflmmunol. 120:1946-1951,1982.

219 Delayed-Type hypersensitivity and IgE in American Cutaneous
Leishmaniasis. N.R. Lynch, L. Yarzábal, O. Verde, J.L. Ávila, H. Monzón
y J. Convit. Infecí, andlmmun. 38,3:877- 881,1982.

220 Immunotherapy with a mixture of Mycobacterium leprae
and BCG in different forms of leprosy and in Mitsuda-negative contacts. T, Convit, N. Aranzazu, M. Ulrich, M.E. Pinardi, O. Reyes and J. Alva¬rado. Int. ]. O/Lepr. 40: 415-424,1982.

221 IgE in Leprosy; effect of a M. leprae-BCG vaccine. N.R. Lynch,
R.I. López, M. Ulrich, N. Aranzazu y J. Convit. Int. J. ofLepr. 41(2), 1983.

222 The Immunotherapy of Leprosy. J. Convit, M. Ulrich, N. Aranzazu.
Quad. di Coop. Sanit. No. l: 163-169,1983.

223 The Immunoprophylaxis of Leprosy. J. Convit, M. Ulrich,
M. Zúñiga. Quad. di Coop. Sanit. N° l: 177-186,1983.

224 Immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis of leprosy. J. Convit,
N. Aranzazu, M. Zúñiga, M. Ulrich, M.E. Pinardi, Z. Castellazzi
and J. Alvarado. Lepr. Rev. (Special Issue), pp..

225 Modelo de vacunación usando dos gérmenes y su aplicación
en enfermedades tropicales (lepra y leishmaniasis). J. Convit,
M. Ulrich, N. Aranzazu, M.E. Gallinotto. Org. Pan. de la Salud, PublicaciónPNSP/84-85. pp. 48-58,1983.

226 A model of vaccination with two microorganisms in infectious
diseases. J. Convit, M. Ulrich, N. Aranzazu and M. Zúñiga.
Int. f. O/Lep. 51,4: 670-672,1983.

227 Development of a new model of vaccination and its application
in Hansens Disease. J. Convit, N. Aranzazu, M. Ulrich and M.E. Pinardi.
The Star, September/October 1984, pp. u-13,1984.

228 A model of vaccination with two micro-organisms in leprosy
and leishmaniasis. J. Convit, M. Ulrich, N. Aranzazu, M. Zúñiga,
Z. Castellazzi and M.E. Aragón. Interciencia, 9 (l): 44-45,1984.

229 Desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de vacunación en el Instituto
Nacional de Dermatología. J. Convit. Lamigal, 4:14-17,1984.

230 Association of HLA speciflcity LB-E12 (MBl, DCi, MTi) with
lepromatous leprosy in a Venezuelan population. T. Ottenhoff,
N. González, R.R.P, de Vries, J. Convit & J. Van Road. Tissue Antigens,
24: 25-29,1984.

231 Vaccination in leprosy: Preliminary results in a trial in Venezuela.
M. Zúñiga, J. Convit & Z. Castellazzi. Int. f. ofLepr. 52 (4): 743,1984.

232 Immunotherapy of leprosy with a mixture of M. leprae and BCG.
J. Convit, N. Aranzazu, M. Ulrich and M.E. Aragón. Intemat. f. Leprosy.

233 Antibody to soluble antigen of M. leprae and phenolic glycolipid I
in patients and contacts. M. Ulrich, J. Convit and M. Centeno.
/ni./. ofLepr. 52:692,1984.

234 Larval stages and adult parasites of filariae from Dasypus sabani-
cola. Preliminary report. I. Campo Aasen, J. Convit, E. Rada & M. Men-
doza. Arch. Hosp. Vargas. 3-4:85-91,1984.

235 Vacuna contra la Lepra. N. Aranzazu y J. Convit. Dermat. Venez.
Vol. XX N0 3 y 4: 26-31,1984.

236 HLA-Linked control of predisposition to lepromatous leprosy.
W. Van Edén, N. González, R. de Vries, J. Convit & J. Van Rood.
/. of Infecí. Dis. 151 (i), 1985.

237 Immunology, Epidemiology and Social Aspects of Leprosy.
C. Chagas, L. Andrade, O. Bier, B. Bloom, J. Convit, T. Codal, M. Lechat, N. Mendes, W. Meyers, R. Mutatkar, S. Noordeen, M. Ulrich, G. Walsh and R. Young. Pontiflcial Academy of Science, Vatican City, Italy (42pages),l985.

238 In situ detection of amastigotes in American Cutaneous leishma¬
niasis, using monoclonal antibodies. N.R. Lynch, C. Malave,
R.B. Infante, R.L. Modlin & J. Convit. Trans. Roya! Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg.,
80: 6-9,1986.

239 Vaccination in leprosy. J. Convit, N. Aranzazu, M. Ulrich,
M.E. Pinardi, P.L. Castellanos and M. Zúñiga. Proc. oflnt. Sympos.
on Mycobact. ofdinicialIníeresi, Essevier Science Publishers,
Excerpta Medica, Editor: M. Casal, pp. 336-3441986.

240 New projections in the development of a vaccination model using
two microorganisms and its application in Leishmaniasis and Leprosy.
J. Convit, P.L. Castellanos, M. Ulrich, A.J. Rondón, N. Aranzazu,
M. Zúñiga and M.E. Pinardi. Interciencia, 11,5: 239-241,1986.

241 The development of a vaccination model using two microorga¬
nisms and its application in Leprosy and Leishmaniasis. J. Convit,
M. Ulrich, N. Aranzazu, P.L. Castellanos, M.E. Pinardi and O. Reyes.
Leprosy Review, 57 (2): 263-273,1986.

242 Immunotherapy versus chemotherapy in localised cutaneous
leishmaniasis. J. Convit, P.L. Castellanos, A. Rondón M.E. Pinardi,
M. Ulrich, M. Gastes, B. Bloom and L. García. Lanceí, Saturday
21 February 1987, pp. 401-405.

243 Current status of immunotherapy research in leprosy. J. Convit,
N. Aranzazu, P.L. Castellanos, M.E. Pinardi, M. Ulrich and O. Reyes.
Quademi di Coop. Sanit.-Hlth. Coop. Papers, 7:183-193,1987.

244 Mononuclear cell subpopulations and inflltrating lymphocytes
in erythema dyschromicum perstans and vitíligo. A. Gross, F.J. Tapia,
W. Mosca, R.M. Pérez, L. Brioeño, J.J. Henríquez and J. Convit. Histol.
Histopath. 2: 277-283,1987.

245 Immunosuppression and cellular immunity reactions in leprosy
patienis treated with a mixture of Mycobacterium leprae and BCG.
E.M. Rada, J. Convit, M. Ulrich, M.E. Gallinotto and N. Aranzazu.
Int.J. O/Lepr. 55 (4): 646-650,1987.

246 Immunoprofilaxis de la Lepra en Venezuela. Resultados
de las Experiencias Preliminares (1980-1982/. M. Zúñiga, J. Convit v Z. Castellazzi, Rev. de LeproL Fontilles, Vol. XVI (2): 199-214,1987.

247 Situación actual en Inmunoterapia de Leishmaniasis. J. Convit,
P.L. Castellanos, M. Ulrich, AJ. Rondón, M.E. Pinardi, N. Rodríguez,
B. Infante, M. Gastes, L. García, Z. Tellez, B. Bloom. Dermat. Venez.

248 Learning írorn lesions: Patterns of tissue inflammation in leprosy.
R.L. Modlin, J. Melancon-Kaplan, Summer M.M. Young, C. Pirmez,
H. Kino, J. Convit, T.H. Rea and B.R. Bloom. Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA.

249 Leukocyte subsets in the granulomatous response produced after
inoculation with Mycobacterium leprae-BCG in lepromatous patients.
A. Gross, E. Weiss, F.J. Tapia, N. Aranzazu, M.E. Gallinotto
and J. Convit. In press, Am /. Trop. Med. Hyg. 38(3): 608-612,1988.

250 Mechanisms of immunological unaresponsiveness in the spectra
of leprosy and leishmaniasis. B.R. Bloom, V. Mehra, J. Melancon-
Kaplan, M. Gastes, J. Convit, P.J. Brennan, T.H. Rea and R.J. Modlin.
Cap. del libro: HostDefenses andInununomodulation to Intmcellular
Pathogens. Edit. Toby K. Eisenstein, Ward, E. Bollock, Nabil Hanna
Plenum Publishging Corporation, 1988).

251 Erythema Dyschromicum Perstans. J. Convit, J. Piquero-Martín
ic R. Pérez. Int.J. Dermatol. 28:168-169,1989.

252 Immunotherapy of Localizad, Intermedíate and Diffuse Forms
: f American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. J. Convit, P.L. Castellanos,
M. Ulrich, M. Gastes, A. Rondón, M.E. Pinardi, N. Rodríguez,
B.R. Bloom, S. Fórmica, L. Valecillos & A. Bretaña. The]. Infecí. Dis.,

253 Clinical trial with clofazimine for treating erytema dyschromicum
zerstans. M. Piquero, R. Pérez-Alfonzo, V. Abrusci, L. Briceño,
A. Gross, W. Mosca, F.J. Tapia & J. Convit. Int. J. Dermatol. • 198-200,1989.

254 Cell-mediated immunity in localized cutaneous leishmaniasis
;¿tients before and after treatment with immunotherapy or chem
:~_herapy. M. Gastes, Z. Moros, A. Martínez, D. Tmjillo, P.L. Castellanos.
A.J. Rondón & J. Convit. Paras. Immun. II: 211-222,1989.

255 On the acid phosphatase isoenzymes existing in american
Leishmaniapromastigotes. J.L. Ávila, D. Hernández-Morales. M.A.
Polegre and J. Convit. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 94B (2): 335-342.1989.

256 Leprosy - Bacterial, Pathological, Immunological and Immuno-
pathological aspects. J. Convit and M. Ulrich. En libro: Mycobacteríal Skin Diseases. Ed. M. Harahap, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Lancashire, England, pp. 33-78,1989.